When a show is distributed 
after its run, it is called
syndication. When the show is
Vin Scelsa's Idiot's Delight,
it's called . . .


New (old) shows added every week.


DECEMBER 1997WNEWDecember 7, 1997
Art Garfunkel and Eric Weisberg

December 12, 1997
The Early Show

December 14, 1997
with Patti Smith

SEPTEMBER 1997WNEWSeptember 21, 1997
with The Hackberry Ramblers

AUGUST 1997WNEWAugust 17, 1997
with Dana Bryant

APRIL11997WNEWApril 6, 1997
Remembering Alan Ginsberg on the night after he died. Vin plays portions of the poet's visits to Idiot's Delight. Merrie Amsterburg performs songs from her first album.

The Songs Vin Played
February 23, 1997
The Songs Vin Played

JANUARY 1997WNEWJanuary 5, 1997